Zuzanna Czebatul

 (*1986, PL)
Macromolecule Exploiting Some Biological Target, 2022
300 × 300 × 150 cm

Zuzanna Czebatul draws inspiration from the links between pop culture, individual freedom and social ideologies. The artist has designed a gigantic ecstasy tablet, with the words “Rush” and “Revolution” embossed on each side. This hyperrealist sculpture, filled with air, functions as a humorous monument to rave culture, in particular that of the 1980’s and 1990’s. Carried by a generation that had already become used, through the pharmaceutical industry, to so-called “lifestyle” drugs, ecstasy, a synthetically produced empathogen drug, became particularly popular at the time. The euphoria which unites ravers on the dance floor is the expression of their anti-conformist way of life and of clubs as places of lived social utopia.

 With the support of Sans titre (2016)