Timothée Calame

(*1991, CH)
Mobilier/Documentaire #3, 2020
Stainless steel, electrical and lighting gear, Plexiglas, various materials
110 × 130 cm each element

The Geneva artist situates his work under the white pavilion, a former station for miniature trains built around 1912. Park visitors use it today as a refuge in rainy weather. Three pieces have been designed for the park, inspired by furniture usually found in the refectories of various institutions (such as schools, hospitals, prisons). The shapes and materials, chosen for their robustness and ease of hygienic maintenance, are combined with colors and dimensions that are closer to the world of leisure. For example, the height of the tables is modeled on that of a standard terrace standing table; as they are also equipped with footrests, analogies to the much-loved world of the bar can easily be found here. The trays of the tables are fitted with small night-lights, equipped with a solar-powered lighting system that activates only after dark. They are decorated with figures and words that deal succinctly with the crisis at hand and more broadly, perhaps, with the way we organize our lives. The tables are for the visitors of the park to use freely.